Category: Relationships

Thanksgiving 2020

It’s early on this Thanksgiving morning. The boys are arriving at the woods for the annual pheasant hunt. My mom is probably rolling out of bed with a million things on her to-do list. I’m already 2 cups …

28 years

So many things have happened. 28 years of marriage today. Official empty nesters. Grandchildren. 2020. Let the weirdness of life move forward. Reflecting over coffee this morning, I realized there is no way to properly or accurately count …

Marriage and Truth

Here is the truth about marriage. You are either committed, or you are not. There is no middle of the road. Marriage is a relationship which requires consistent maintenance and work. There will be disagreements. There may be …

Contributing to the Narrative

I haven’t said a lot about the many issues which have already happened in 2020. I have been mostly silent because I simply don’t know what to say. Contributing to the narrative seems to get you into trouble. …

Where I Stand

It seems everywhere we turn, someone wants to know where we stand. Rich Mullins wrote a song called “If I Stand“, and for me it conveys where I stand perfectly. Sometimes, it can be unnerving to explain your …

Marriage Therapy: Creating an Outdoor Space

This project took more planning than I am capable of. It’s a good thing my husband is so awesome. We wanted to build a pergola behind our house for years. We did it this spring, and I love …

Marriage: In The Beginning

Genesis 2:18, God decided man was no good alone, so He created woman. The God of the universe chose to create a helper for His prize creation- man.  Eve could’ve been created out of dust as Adam had …

A Mimi’s Heart

The holidays are a time of joy and wonder. I love to see my grandchildren laughing and playing over winter break. No school for us means shenanigans at Mimi’s house. We have playdough made with peppermint oil. We …

Letter to Friends of the Grieving

Letter to Friends of the Grieving. Dear Friends, How are you today? I am holding my own. This morning I woke up and showered. I managed to fill my day with a to-do list which keeps me busy. …

Self Care & Jesus

Are you tired, friend? I’m tired. I’m tired of politics. I’m tired of watching human beings tear one another apart. I’m tired of people being unsupportive of one another at work. I’m tired of worrying about church people. …