Category: Home

Marriage Therapy: Building a Chicken Tractor

The chicken tractor is complete! It took us a while, but we managed to buckle down and through a lot of research, looking at a lot of options, we designed and settled on this option. Let’s take a …

Marriage Therapy: Garden Greenhouse

When we had our windows replaced last fall, John was careful to tell them to please save the old windows. The windows were stacked in the barn and I forgot about them. This spring, John started a rough …

Early Advent Reflections

As Advent gets underway, I have had some time to reflect on this season of the “in-between”. I am discovering each day in my quiet time exactly what Advent means for me as a Daughter of the King, …

I know Who I am

I saw the upstairs of my house for the first time in almost 2 weeks. It was a huge relief to know the mess I created before my knee surgery is still there, waiting for me to recover …

Good Mornings!

Good mornings begin with being still. This seems to be the direct opposite of what the world insists we do these days. When I was a kid, I remember going to the corner restaurant and listening while my …

Thanksgiving 2020

It’s early on this Thanksgiving morning. The boys are arriving at the woods for the annual pheasant hunt. My mom is probably rolling out of bed with a million things on her to-do list. I’m already 2 cups …

28 years

So many things have happened. 28 years of marriage today. Official empty nesters. Grandchildren. 2020. Let the weirdness of life move forward. Reflecting over coffee this morning, I realized there is no way to properly or accurately count …

Spring Sunrise Promises

That moment right before the sun comes up- that is my favorite moment of the day. It signals dawn- a new beginning. The birds sing wildly and the trees sway in the breeze hypnotizing me. The air is …

Shagbark Hickory

The shagbark hickory stands on one side of our property all on its own. It is close enough to the road to cast a shadow, yet far enough away that we must mow in between. Its branches spread …

The Servant Spouse

You might be a servnt spouse and it’s gonna be ok. I actually have good news and bad news. The good news is YAY! You’re serving in your church in some capacity and this is awesome. Give yourself …