Contributing to the Narrative

I haven’t said a lot about the many issues which have already happened in 2020. I have been mostly silent because I simply don’t know what to say.

Contributing to the narrative seems to get you into trouble. No matter what you think, believe, or share, there is always going to be someone who acts like you are the worst person in the world for those things. There will always be someone who disagrees, dislikes, argues, or unfriends you.

There will be arguments, hateful comments, name-calling and judgment based on my words or opinions of things which are large topics of division. I don’t have the energy. It has all run out.

I choose not to speak because everything has already been said, restated, said again with new verbs and adjectives, and regurgitated. It seems to add to it makes it spin faster, and none of our heads can handle that.

There is no more room for narrative.

When I was a kid my grandma used to tell me

“Actions speak louder than words. If you want to know what someone really thinks? Watch them when the dust settles.”

I’ve been waiting and watching.

I’ve been learning, too.

What I have seen has astounded me. People in my community and beyond who simply want to live their lives. They want to be free from this incredible burden which has had another incredible burden stacked on top of it.

 People who want to go to work and return home at the end of the day. People who want to live free from the fear of illness and bigotry. People who want to be able to love their brothers and sisters without having someone tell them how or when or where they can. Or making the assumption they don’t.

I see people who want to get back to listening to their favorite podcast encouraging them forward. I see people who want to write about something good and promising. I see people who want to have company over and go on vacation and travel or stay home and feel safe, everywhere they go, no matter the reason.

I see people who are frustrated and without a way, but searching for communication and conversation and resources and calm. I see people who are loving other people as hard as they know how because that is the only way through to the other side of every crisis in the history of mankind.

I see people letting themselves go so they can serve others in ways they never thought they would have to. I see people holding hands with whomever they want to hold hands with because they love one another, and I see people choosing not to hold hands for the same reason.

I see people as diverse as leaves on trees, many colors, shapes, sizes and looks, all with the very same purpose- to house a soul created by The Creator of The Universe, our one true God.

I see people on their knees in prayer and anguish, releasing fear and letting their hearts be led by their soul and not their flesh. I see people holding one another up, walking in this world together, standing beside one another, picking each other up when we fall.

 Are you looking for these things as well?

I cannot allow myself to see anything else, because this is how we were intended to be.


As the ONLY humans in existence in the ENTIRE universe.

Think about that for a moment.

In the entire universe, we are the only ones.

We are required by the laws of God and nature to do the best we can.

Each one of us as individuals makes our own decision to do good, to see the possibility.

We have to do what is good and right and just.

We have to make our individual selves better, in order to make the human race better. We must circle back to love because in the end, it is the only way.


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