Tag: creation

The Fall to Winter Metamorphosis

The sounds and images of fall transitioning into winter always enchant me. There is a point in time when you can just feel the last moments of fall slipping away. The leaves are crisp and blanket the forest …

My Own Heart-Abundance

“Decisive Givenness” is the title of the first devotion in the Ann Voskamp devotional, “The Way of Abundance”. The accompanying scripture hits me in a new way. “Walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us …

God Always has a Plan

God always has a plan. Even when we don’t see it or recognize it right away. There is always a reason for all the things that happen in our lives. Always. In January of 2022, the grandbabies had …

Ephesians 1:4

Shagbark Hickory

The shagbark hickory stands on one side of our property all on its own. It is close enough to the road to cast a shadow, yet far enough away that we must mow in between. Its branches spread …

In The Beginning: Marriage Edition

Genesis 2:18, God decided man was no good alone, so He created woman. The God of the universe chose to create a helper for His prize creation- man.  Eve could’ve been created out of dust as Adam had …