Spring Sunrise Promises

That moment right before the sun comes up- that is my favorite moment of the day.

It signals dawn- a new beginning. The birds sing wildly and the trees sway in the breeze hypnotizing me. The air is buzzing with life. Steam rises from my hot coffee in a swirl, adding to the ambiance of the morning.

I love first thing in the morning on my patio swing.

I love spending time at home, enjoying all the things we have worked so hard to build. I love the process of the garden from late winter to early spring when things start to awaken. New life bubbles up inside me as I await the day I can really get my hands in the dirt. I love the newness of life as ferns unroll and leaves unfurl. The ladybugs make their appearance sunbathing and the crickets start warming up for summer.

All of creation sings for sunrise and sunset.

All is as it should be. In the grand scheme of things, creation answers all the questions each day brings. Watching the insects, birds, and animals awaken and reveal themselves is fascinating. They each serve their own purpose. They have instinctually started fulfilling their roles. They let little sidetrack them and they work to overcome obstacles.

Everything God has laid upon them, they aspire to be. Everything the Creator asks of them, they attempt to fulfill without argument or rebuttal. Every one of them is counted and has a divine appointment to be a part of the earth.

They live to serve only Him. What an example for humans. Commitment. Obedience. Work ethic.

Colossians 3:23-24  (NIV)

23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

This is such a powerful lesson for me. I strive to have the kind of intensity creation has. I want to be focused to see all things through the lens of Jesus. I want my spirit and my mind in tune with one another.

Focusing on prayer is the first and best step. I am starting each day fresh and remember who I serve. Asking the Holy Spirit to lead my words and actions is crucial. Listening to the still, small voice is part of it. Making a consistent effort to be intentional is also important. I am an expert procrastinator. I must stay on top of things to be successful.

The next step is to carry scripture with me. I have keychains, post its, t-shirts and phone screens. The Bible app on my phone is on the home screen. I gently and subtly remind myself of what I stand for.

Finally, at the end of the day, I reflect. Did I represent well? Was I intentional in my words and actions? If not, why? What can I do differently tomorrow? I pray over the struggles and successes. I thank God for another opportunity to serve the best way I know-how.

It is a privilege to serve. It is a blessing to have a redeemer who gives opportunities to get it right.


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