Tag: grateful

Nov. 4th- 2Corinthians 4:15

Nov. 3rd- 2Corinthians 9:15

Nov. 5th- Acts 27:35

Nov. 1st I Corinthians 1:4

It Starts with a Morning Routine

Do you have a morning routine? I mean a real, day inspiring routine filled with habits that move you forward. My routine is simple. I get dressed and head downstairs for coffee, supplements and writing in my journal. …

God Always has a Plan

God always has a plan. Even when we don’t see it or recognize it right away. There is always a reason for all the things that happen in our lives. Always. In January of 2022, the grandbabies had …

Set Apart

I have always been afraid to pray for certain things, knowing how God moves and answers prayer. For example, when I prayed for patience, I was met with circumstances that taught me copious amounts of patience. While I …

Good Mornings!

Good mornings begin with being still. This seems to be the direct opposite of what the world insists we do these days. When I was a kid, I remember going to the corner restaurant and listening while my …

Acts 20:35

2 Corinthians 9:15