Category: My Guest Posts

February & Rest

In scripture, Jesus made sure to take a time-out. He intentionally pulled away from his followers to pray and eat. He spent this time preparing for what would come next. Jesus set the example for re-booting ourselves in …

Normal Is Relative

Guest Posting over at The Glorious Table today. I’ve been accused of being a lot of things in my life, but normal has never been one of them. I will admit, on the surface, my husband and I …

He Could Have Said “Forget It” Instead of “It Is Done”

Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth. (Proverbs 27:1 NKJV) On Sunday evening I sit down with my calendar and make a list of what I have to accomplish …

Are You the Weary Parent of a Graduate?

Emotions and confusion swirl around in my head like this is a terrible dream I will wake up from tomorrow. People come to our home sharing food, bringing gifts celebrating the life of our third child as if …

Spiritual Intimacy

At any given moment, I may start crying for no apparent reason. Keyword-”apparent”. I have experienced this in both appropriate and inappropriate places, and sometimes it even catches me off guard. When watching a baby I don’t know …

Leaning Into the Father

In the Arizona desert, I heard His voice. “Thank you.” He said, “You have served me well today.” I didn’t share that with anyone. I wasn’t afraid. I was just quiet. I didn’t know what to say- “Hey, …

Wise Words From a (nearly) Empty Nest

A Guest Post from September…. That’s it, it is over. Our kids are grown. They are all leaving soon. My heart is full of pride, and shadowed with brokenness.  How will hubs and I survive after they all …

Today I am a Contributing Author

Today my contributions begin for a wonderful new website called The Glorious Table. If you haven’t seen this yet, you must go over there and show these writers some love. Everyone is so authentic, and everyone is coming …

Dear Younger Angie….

Dear Young Wife, Wow girl…you should see how this all turned out! You just will not believe how much God has blessed you with. All four of your children have made it- all four! You didn’t lose any …