Category: Family

Series: The Things No One Warned Me About: Take One

When our oldest son told us he was leaving for Florida the day after his 18th birthday, I was stunned. The few days I had to prepare myself were not at all enough.  I soon found myself standing …

What is Your “Thing”?

This morning I caught about 15 seconds of the news before I changed the channel. There was a person in her early 30s who wrote an article for a newspaper in New York about women and men and …

Friendship in Marriage

  Friendship First: When I asked John what he thought the basis of our marriage was, he responded “We were friends first, and it grew from there.”  In Genesis 2:18-24  Marriage is Gods idea.  From the beginning of time, …

the Real Gifts of Christmas

If you are like me, then you spend countless hours making sure everyone you are getting a gift for gets what is suited for them….For some people giving a gift is a obligation, not a joyful moment of …

Crisis in Marraige

When planning for the inevitable crisis in life, we can do many things. We can plan for a fire with smoke detectors and insurance. We can plan for cars to be wrecked with auto insurance and liability insurance. …

Matthew 25:18-31

Matthew 25:18-31 My favorite passage that applies to a lot of things in my life. When you sign up to go on a mission’s trip, there is a list of Reasons to go Provided  in the packet: Enhance …

Happy Anniversary Kids…

When two of our children got married in the same year, I thought I was going to go crazy…. There was so much to do, but mostly for me there was so much to keep organized. Our oldest …

9 minutes

When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is hit the snooze. The second thing I do is pray for my husband. I know from the time I hit that button until it starts …

Prince Charming

For the past year our family has gathered in the living room to tune in to the show “Once Upon A TIme”. It has been a quiet hour of non stop fairy tale action- yet there is somthing …

Still all True…:)

Over the past few weeks, I have been doing a lot of reflecting. Lets face it, there has been a lot to reflect about. The Two oldest children got married. The youngest one entered High School. The third …