Category: Jesus

On the Subject of Being a Less Crappy Christian

This morning as I lay in bed, my mind kept wandering to something Jen Hatmaker says in her book due out in August…She has an entire chapter dedicated to church people and how to treat one another. It …

the Real Gifts of Christmas

If you are like me, then you spend countless hours making sure everyone you are getting a gift for gets what is suited for them….For some people giving a gift is a obligation, not a joyful moment of …

Matthew 25:18-31

Matthew 25:18-31 My favorite passage that applies to a lot of things in my life. When you sign up to go on a mission’s trip, there is a list of Reasons to go Provided  in the packet: Enhance …

Isaiah 30:18-21

There are some verses in Isaiah that I have learned to depend on when I feel like I have lost my way.  The entire passage fills me with hope and conviction to trust God and obey His word…It …

Still all True…:)

Over the past few weeks, I have been doing a lot of reflecting. Lets face it, there has been a lot to reflect about. The Two oldest children got married. The youngest one entered High School. The third …

Grace as a gift

This past weekend, I spent 24 hours with a group of ladies from my church at the Cafe Chocolat retreat. It was more eye opening than I could have imagined. I learned I can pray in front of …

Feeling Overwhelmed?!

On Sunday, Lots of people told me how great my hair looks. I wore a ponytail for 309 days in a row, and I think most of them were just breathing a sigh of relief that I had …

Im not that girl anymore…WHEW

Ten years ago I came completely unhinged when people did stupid human things that humans do. I remember seeing someone cringe once when I came into the school to pick up my boys after they rolled off the …

Blessings Abundant

What a beautiful day, full of blessings around every corner! First I woke up this morning to the giggles of the tornado-  (our granddaughter) . She was running around in her little white t-shirt and diaper chasing the …

the woman at the well

I am the woman at the well. Its true. I am her. I know what you are thinking. 1-you have only been married once 2-you are still married to the first 3-your well is electric 4-how can you …