Blessings Abundant

What a beautiful day, full of blessings around every corner!

First I woke up this morning to the giggles of the tornado-
 (our granddaughter) . She was running around in her little white t-shirt and diaper chasing the dogs with a hairbrush, giggling so much it was contagious. Needless to say the dogs were very happy to see me distract her. 

Then my adorable husband worked in the garden and with the help of our oldest son, got the barn roof fixed! The chickens will be happy, because once again their coop will stay dry when it rains!

While all the projects were going on, I went to the church and co- hosted the wedding shower for my future daughter-in-law. She was so excited, so happy and so beautiful! The true highlight of the party was her smile. I was completely blessed to see it spread across her face.

There is such a ministry in doing wedding showers for people who have no church home or are struggling in their life or faith. Aside from being completely blessed by seeing a smiling, happy bride, I love the idea of celebrating a new beginning for a woman. As women, we get stuck in ruts that life provides for us very easily. Its not like with men, who for the most part do not see the importance of fellowship and celebration  for “girly” causes such as weddings or babies.

 Lets face it, the bride is the pinnacle of the wedding, and the momma the pinnacle of the new baby. She is a vessel for setting up her home, and her nursery. She historically has depended on the other women in her community to teach her everything she needs to know to start this new chapter in her life. What a better way than to celebrate with a shower, small gifts and words of wisdom! (kudos to whomever invented these showers- ingenious)

I love it when the older women mix in with the younger ones, telling stories and sharing words of wisdom about marriage and babies. Its so important to surround a new couple or new momma with the love that only Christ can provide- unconditional, non judgmental and complete.

As a ministry, I can testify to the importance of this support- when my future daughter in law came to  my house the day of her baby shower, I was SO TOUCHED by the women from my congregation who came and brought her a piece of themselves, unselfishly, lovingly supporting this new terrified momma, just because they were my sisters in Christ. Our love for Christ is what ties us together, and that love extended to her and my entire family that day. My husband and I were very touched by this, and we will never forget it.

Its also fun to have something that the men in our lives never understand-hehe . 

At the end of the day, when everything is cleaned up, and everyone goes home, the bride gets to see just how much the people in her life love her, and are willing to do to take care of her. The hope is that she will define her life not by the things she is given, but by the wisdom she gains as a wife and mother. That she will allow God to reign and will follow a path full of love and hope for the future of her family.

From my heart, I love to serve- it has always been my strength. I love to do little things to make people smile and reflect on the moment.  I love the pretty table settings, the beautiful bride or momma and the wonder on her face when she sees the room, all decorated in things that are useful in her home. The extra touches of a scrapbook after the event, of the event are precious memories for her. And a reminder to me that when serving , you are for more blessed than you can imagine.For those who know me well enough to see my life has changed, this entire journey has been a true blessing to me. Learning how to use my servants gift to show Christ has been a long journey, but I continue to try, and when I get knocked down, I get up and try again. 

Pray for a servants heart so you can be a blessing to others.

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