Category: Marriage

The Hike

There is a lot to be said for people who spend countless hours outdoors. There is more to be said for those who hike for days on end over terrain I only want to see in pictures and …

Marriage Therapy: Building a Chicken Tractor

The chicken tractor is complete! It took us a while, but we managed to buckle down and through a lot of research, looking at a lot of options, we designed and settled on this option. Let’s take a …

Marriage Therapy: Garden Greenhouse

When we had our windows replaced last fall, John was careful to tell them to please save the old windows. The windows were stacked in the barn and I forgot about them. This spring, John started a rough …

God Always has a Plan

God always has a plan. Even when we don’t see it or recognize it right away. There is always a reason for all the things that happen in our lives. Always. In January of 2022, the grandbabies had …

Marriage Therapy: Tiling a Backsplash

When I asked him to help me turn our farmhouse into an actual place that looked like a farmhouse, he laughed. In all these years, it never occurred to me that it would be simple to make my …

28 years

So many things have happened. 28 years of marriage today. Official empty nesters. Grandchildren. 2020. Let the weirdness of life move forward. Reflecting over coffee this morning, I realized there is no way to properly or accurately count …

Marriage and Truth

Here is the truth about marriage. You are either committed, or you are not. There is no middle of the road. Marriage is a relationship which requires consistent maintenance and work. There will be disagreements. There may be …

Marriage Therapy: Creating an Outdoor Space

This project took more planning than I am capable of. It’s a good thing my husband is so awesome. We wanted to build a pergola behind our house for years. We did it this spring, and I love …

Marriage: In The Beginning

Genesis 2:18, God decided man was no good alone, so He created woman. The God of the universe chose to create a helper for His prize creation- man.  Eve could’ve been created out of dust as Adam had …

The Servant Spouse

You might be a servnt spouse and it’s gonna be ok. I actually have good news and bad news. The good news is YAY! You’re serving in your church in some capacity and this is awesome. Give yourself …