You don’t have to be Stuck- You have to be Brave


“Have I not commanded you- Be strong and

Change is so hard. When I feel that stirring in my heart that change is coming, I have to stop and pray. It rarely surprises me anymore- I have learned to be in tune with my own convictions and the Holy Spirits quiet whispers. Maybe I am less surprised because I am more trusting. I am more accepting of the direction God has put in motion. I do not always understand, and I tend to scrutinize every aspect.

What will the impact be on our lives?

What about our finances?

Will we be able to keep our commitments?

How about the kids?

Will they need assurance during this time?

So many things to consider when walking in the light, trying to make the best decisions. When praying, sometimes I do not even know what to ask for- however– He knows what I need, and what is on my heart. I have the satisfaction of knowing that God is omnipotent- so He is already where I am headed. He goes before me regardless of the decision I make. Forever.

The current situation does not have to be the “end all” for any of us. It can be the best thing that has ever happened- making a change. Even the most insignificant decisions can lead to amazing opportunities. For example- I filled out an application a few months ago to be part of a book launch. I had no idea what I was doing. I have never submitted a book for publishing- let alone helped someone launch their book. What took me fifteen seconds to submit led to a lifetime of memories, friendships and opportunities. I have met- or virtually met- some pretty amazing men and women. I am traveling across the country for a party For the Love. NOT my norm. Traveling to Texas, in the heat of September for a four day weekend. Going to stay in a house with an unnumbered amount of perfect strangers. Why? Because I prayed and He answered- “Go”, He said. So I am going. It’s like that with me and God. We have that kind of relationship where He says “Do this” and  I say “ok Lord”.

The biggest part about this minor situation- (because even though it IS a BIG deal for me, it isn’t for most of you- you can insert your situation here), Is the being brave part. For me, bravery=faithfulness, hope, trust and love, all wrapped up into one very emotional package.  Bravery for me is crying the entire way, wanting to pull a Jonah and run and hide from it all. Just before I get swallowed up, I fall to my knees in prayer and He shows me the way. Once again I feel as if I have been rescued from drowning in my own fear, fueled by the one who fuels it always. I surge through and listen to that still small voice among all the noise.

So. Much . Noise.

There is so much else wanting to be heard while I am just trying to hear Him and His direction. There is fear. The reminder that trips cost money. The traveling alone part. The flying part. The uncertainty of who is getting me at the airport part. The what was I thinking part. Then somewhere in the chaos, I hear “Go”, very clearly, very directly. “Go Angie, I am already there”.  Insert sigh of relief. And a pause- If I hadn’t taken the time to let Him answer my plea, would I have heard His direction at all? I am thinking quite possibly not. If I had prayed and prayed over this decision, yet went about making my own path, would I have seen His direction? I am thinking not at all.

In the quiet of the morning I stand alone and pray, looking out the door at the sunrise, the dew and the creation set before me. I get a new start each and every morning, no matter where I am. I am reminded that if I should ask, He will answer. When I need a door, one opens. When I need a shoulder to cry on, one appears. When I need quiet, still time with The Creator of The Universe, I can find hope and be brave.  I can make the decision that is right and good and without risk, because with God there is none. I can let some things go that I do not need to live. I can walk away from some things which are unhealthy for me. I can take what God has already supplied me with, and turn it into something amazing that He will bless and expand on, if I am only willing to be His child and listen to that still small voice inside me, the one that says “Go”.


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