Without Jesus, There is NO Christmas

So by now, you have probably seen my first three images for the Advent study.

The pictures of ornaments I took on my own tree. The printable ornaments can be found on Ann Voskamp’s website, and the keyword is in the book.  I printed them and placed them on cardstock. I have a small primitive tree dedicated to this project. My plan is to hang each day’s ornament after I read the devotion and answer the study questions. There are multiple ways to use the book to study Advent, this is how I am using it this year. I have done it differently in years past.

In reflecting on this process, I have realized I created 25 ornaments for my Jesse tree, over 30 images and over 30 blog posts. I have some significant time involved in sharing this with you. As we read through together, I would love some feedback. If you would like to follow along, comments about your experience are more than welcome. I love to hear what people have to say about their perspective.

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Next week- A reflection on the first 10 days of Advent, this study and what I have learned from it. I hope to hear from you soon, and I hope to see you here!

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