When I Need Rest

Matthew 11:28

“Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, I will give you rest.”


What a promise, rest.


Rest is such an elusive thing for most. Sometimes when we think we are rested up, we are more exhausted than when we started. How does this happen? Maybe when we take a nap or sit and chill in front of the television, we are physically resting. What happens when we are emotionally, mentally and spiritually needing some rest? Where do we turn first?


When I am feeling the weight of my world heavy on my heart, I turn to coffee, my husband and my friend. I air my frustrations on the phone or we sit  down to enjoy some coffee and conversation. I will reach out and ask for counsel, searching for an answer. Why do I always feel like I skip the most important step when I am feeling overwhelmed in some part of my life?

It took me a long time to figure out what I was missing. When I realized how silly it was, I was embarrassed.


How could I have forgotten to pray about this?


Every time for as long as I could remember, I would wait for someone to be available to speak with me, spend time with me or counsel me in some fashion. I really made things much harder on myself than I needed to. All I needed to do was turn to my Heavenly Father for rest. I could have turned to him the entire time, yet I kept overlooking the best opportunity I had. I could have avoided the anxiety, exhaustion and sheer disappointment waiting provides.


Now that I have seen the error of my ways, I feel like I have a much better handle on my emotional, mental and spiritual well being. When I get that feeling in the pit of my stomach, when my head starts to spin and when my heart begins to race, I turn to him for comfort. I turn to him for rest. The impact of my prayers is immediate, and a peace washes over me like a hot shower of wonderful. My shoulders begin to relax and my feet don’t hurt as much. I have a sense of relief I find hard to put into words.


Today as you are struggling with the world and all it has to offer, maybe take a moment out to spend with the father above. He is ready and willing to offer you rest, a relief from those unseen burdens. He is able, and he is mighty. Won’t you allow him to comfort you in your time of despair?


Dear Lord,

Please guide our hearts towards you when we are feeling weary and burdened. Help us to understand and accept the peace you offer when we bring our lives to you. Help us to lay everything before you as we make decisions and live the lives you have given us. Thank you for this day, and thank you for the blessings you have showered us with.

In your sons name I pray, Amen

2 Comments on “When I Need Rest

  1. Good thoughts and good words. Understand you’re never alone you never have been. Read Luke 17:20-21.

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