Shout Out to Community

In April, I traveled to Texas for a writing retreat.

I wrote my heart out leaving pieces of myself on the screen. Something people don’t understand or realize about a writer- on occasion you must spread your wings and fly somewhere quiet. You must surround yourself with camaraderie and others who think like you do. Retreat and rest and progress go hand in hand. Allowing yourself the space to relish in others relatable struggle brings a sense of community not experienced at home.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my family. My husband is my number one cheerleader. He encourages me and reads what I write. He shares his thoughts and how my words make him feel. He holds me accountable, and I love this part of him. But he isn’t a writer.

My friends are pretty amazing people too. We all come from different backgrounds and workplaces. We constantly cheer one another on and hold each other up. This community is priceless for numerous personal reasons. I wouldn’t trade these women for the world.

My writer friends have a different acceptance of me. They are a group who have their share of struggle, personally and professionally. They understand the small successes which come with a big celebration. Milestones, completion, and sharing are all common threads. We all have different processes, for the same reason. We all have a message laid upon us waiting to be shared with the world, someday, somehow.

The writer part of me has taken years to develop- it is still a work in progress. Only recently have I realized how impactful words can be, even more so than actions. People tend to forget your shenanigans- they never forget your words. Knowing this causes me to take a pause. There are things I need to say and there are things I need to hear. There are lots of things I need to learn.

For three solid days, I was surrounded by others who have the same purpose as myself- words. Working through ideas, grammar, and our own doubts, we quietly and intentionally set this time apart for some much-needed writing time. The bonus was the hospitality our hostess showed.

I cannot express the enormity of the gift my friend Andrea has been blessed with. Her ability to serve is beyond measure. She has provided something I desperately needed. She made it look effortless. The food was spectacular. The space amazing. The acceptance of boundaries. The realization of deep seeded friendship. The trust and wisdom in planning something to bring us closer together as writers in true retreat fashion.

I found something this weekend which will carry me for some time to come. I appreciate the conversation and the wisdom imparted. I don’t think I have laughed so hard in a long time. I know I haven’t experienced community like this before- there is nothing like it in my world at home. This is what it’s supposed to look like. This is how the community of Christ is supposed to feel.




Regardless of your vocation, find your people.

Locate those who are doing what you are doing. Find or create a community of peers. It will change your life. They do not have to be people you see or talk to everyday. They don’t have to live on the same continent as you. Use technology to connect with those who can cheer you on. Use your own experiences to cheer on others. Your life matters. Your gifts may seem minor to you, but to someone else they are a blessing.

There is a lot of buzz about community. Achieving it and talking about it are two different things. Investing in people and being invested in by others are cherished experiences. I can only express gratitude for the blessings of this retreat community and the women who attended. As we all go our separate ways, we keep in touch and pray for one another. We reach out with funny things and we comfort when tragedy or devastation hits us. We support one another unconditionally and love the same.

Ecclesiastes 4:12  (NIV)

“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.                                                                       A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

Thank you to Andrea for being the hostess with the mostess. It is a pleasure and honor to call you friend. Thank you to the other ladies who also influence me regularly. Though our roads to one another are long, the internet makes it short. Your friendship makes life sweeter and I appreciate you.

Terri Fullerton

Lauren Flake


One Comment on “Shout Out to Community

  1. I love everything about this truth!!! We need our people!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

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