Outsider & Teacher

I’m an Intervention Specialist in a separate facility serving eighth-grade students. The story of how I ended up here is its own. But what I have witnessed in a few years is incredibly disappointing. Not all of the things I am speaking of here apply to everyone- but they all matter somewhere.

The truth is, I don’t know how anyone is surviving being a teacher right now.

It has been such a huge struggle for me, and for the people I work with. Aside from the typical expectation about working outside of contracted time, dress codes that are outdated, and the expectation that we are at the beck and call of every administrator, student, and parent 24-7, what else could possibly be wrong with being a teacher?

Just about everything.

Our collective exhaustion does not lie. Neither does the way we show up right when the virtual staff tardy bell is about to ring, and we walk out the door with ungraded papers and unwritten correspondence on our desks. There is no time to accomplish the demands put on us when arriving on time and leaving on time.

 In my case, our “mandated” planning time is squeezed in between the 8 am arrival time and the students’ 8:25 arrival- the same at the end of the day- student dismissal at 2:53 (most kids are still here after 3) But our planning time is 3-3:30. (Supposed to be an hour, daily)

 Lots of jokes coming at you in this profession.

I could go on for a long time.

Here’s the thing.

People in the private sector would NEVER put up with the things teachers put up with.

In some cases, it would never be allowed legally.

I don’t know anyone who works in an office building, for the government, or in a retail setting who puts up with verbal assault, physical assault, obnoxious patrons, and being overall abused from all sides like teachers are continuously expected to put up with. All the while maintaining decorum and professionalism in a manner that reflects all the wholesomeness of the district. (please forgive me while I gag)

I don’t know how people (I affectionately call them “talking heads”) get to sit on the outside of this job and make decisions about what I do in my classroom they’ve spent no time in, how to best serve my students they have never met, and within what parameters I will be “allowed” to teach. They literally have no idea about any of this, at all.

I don’t know why teachers allow any of this. I don’t know what unions are doing to prevent it. I don’t understand how it is ok to sit and let it happen.

 I don’t have time to find out.

But I do know this:

People are leaving careers of 20+ years in the classroom where they have poured out their hearts and a lot of their lives into other people’s children, with no thanks or appreciation. Only a wage that doesn’t fit their workload and a lot of unrealistic expectations and demands. And new teachers are getting their Master’s degrees in other areas so they can LEAVE and go work someplace they are respected and paid for all the jobs they complete.

There are a lot of “trainings” and “professional development“ meetings required to implement the next big new thing which is often left to the wayside for the newest “next big thing” the following year. There are piles and piles of paperwork to be completed in a specific manner within a specific timeline and must be followed up on, and those piles keep growing and getting more complicated by the year. I am an Intervention Specialist and I have all IEP students in my classroom. My piles are huge.

There are tons of things that teachers do that no one even gives them credit for.

If you are a teacher, Intervention Specialist, or support staff in ANY fashion, I hope I conveyed how ridiculous parts of this profession have become. I hope I represent your struggle. I hope you speak up and start advocating for yourself and your teacher friends. I hope you can move forward and serve your students without losing yourself in the process.

If you would like to contribute to this series, please send me a comment with your email.

I would love to feature your letter to the public, school district, superintendent, or lawmakers.

It can be done completely anonymously.

 *no risqué language or legal accusations, please.

I’m coming back with more on this topic because it is important. Things need to change and we have to get this right.


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