Eternal Perspective or Devils Advocate?

Is our perspective eternal?

In the grand scheme of things, every decision we make has a purpose- an end goal. If, as humans, we are just floating around on this earth bumping into one another, acquiring things for no reason, then why do we fight so hard for the things we believe in?

What is the reason we do what we do?

Some reasons are commitments, overachiever syndrome, personal gain, doing the right thing and planning for our future. Sometimes we make choices based on logic, fear, regret or the realization of our own mortality. We make decisions based on finances, time and distance.

These seem perfectly reasonable and normal, don’t they? These reasons are the basis and catalyst for our lifestyles, our homes, and even our careers.

 What if we are doing it all wrong?

Set goals, achieve the impossible, do your best and climb the ladder are all common things we are taught. Inundated by programs, courses and how to guides for every single thing in life. If there is something you want to learn, achieve or grow in, there is a YouTube tutorial, book to read or 6-week course to sign up for.

When did we start solely thinking about our short term life, and stop planning for eternity?

Shifting our thinking to eternity is no easy task, but it is a natural one. Letting go of our vices- money, time, property and success can be very liberating.  In the eternal perspective, not one of these things matters if it isn’t being used to grow the kingdom of God.

Not. One.

In the entire old testament, time and time again God puts the task of eternity in the hands of his greatest creation. Time and time again we failed him. Over and over personal gain, opinion and worldly issues trumped what our Father desired for us. It started in the garden and grew to epic proportions.

God had a great plan, but humans always found a way to mess it up. He tried and tried to correct the wrongs. The great flood. The tower of Babel. Sodom and Gomorrah. The plagues in Egypt. Repeatedly He tried to fix it for us. Finally, in what can only be an act of pure, unadulterated, unequivocal and unconditional love, He made the greatest sacrifice man has ever known.

In doing so, he put the ball in our court.

Jesus, the perfect and ultimate sacrificial lamb, was the single largest gift we have ever been given. The second largest gift? The gift of choice. The freedom to choose life over death. The awesome power of free will. The biggest responsibility we will ever realize.

We are doing it all wrong, no doubt.

We allow our things, our feelings and ourselves get in the way of being the kingdom builders we are charged at being. Jesus himself said, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

He gave us specific, explicit instruction throughout his life:

* love our neighbor as ourselves

* feed, clothe and care for others as if they were our own

* respect, support and love our church family and members

*understand worldly things are passing

*build and grow his kingdom here, so we can have it all there

*be urgent, diligent, knowledgeable about scripture

*be sacrificial in love, time, money, and things

*take special care of children, widows, orphans and elderly

*listen to the Holy Spirit- its purpose is to guide us fully


There is nothing here about following our own path. There is no mention of approved argument, rebuttal or dissension among believers. Leadership guidelines are laid out clearly in the Bible for leaders and believers. Submission to leadership starts with trust and obedience. (It doesn’t mean tyranny and overt mischief.) It means to be trusted enough to lead entire groups of people into the next moment through much prayer, faith, hope, love, and discernment. It is a huge responsibility which elders, deacons, and other church leaders take very seriously.

They are Holy Spirit led, Kingdom driven.

They are anointed at a very high level of accountability.

They are also our friends, grandfathers, fathers, husbands, and sons. They are people, just like you and I, charged with huge responsibilities.

They are people, just like you and I, charged with huge responsibilities.

Their job is to bring us full scale accountable to the Eternal Perspective and Kingdom growing. We have leaders who are sometimes fearless, sometimes hanging by a thread. But through Eternal Perspective, they are always hanging by faith, hope, and love for our church family, our church as an entity and our role in the growth of our eternal kingdom.

What if we as a group of individual believers in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the great commission and all the red letters** have to offer just stopped. What if we just took a breath. What if we cut our leaders some much needed slack, gave God the glory for all the things and rested our opinions a bit to reflect on what the real purpose of our lives is?

If the real purpose of a Christ followers life is to grow the Kingdom of God to an Eternal Perspective, then why would we want to hold on so tightly to the things of this earth which will all wash away in a moment of Glory?  Why hurt the feelings of others, question authority, dig up past issues, color things with disdain and water which should stay under bridges?

Why be a devil’s advocate when you’re called to be a Kingdom builder?

Eternal Perspective. Kingdom driven. Holy Spirit led.


**red letters indicate Jesus’ words

2 Comments on “Eternal Perspective or Devils Advocate?

  1. Angie – As usual, God is using you to speak truth over my life. I don’t understand what He is telling me right now, but I’m listening. Thank you for your timely words today. Between that at Alan Graham’s Welcome Homeless… I’m in tears this morning. Not sure what that is a sign of other than that He is answering my prayer, “Break my heart with the things that break your heart, Father.” Many hugs and bushels of thanks, KAL

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