Month: February 2017

Books of 2017: Present Over Perfect

  We find as we get older it is as hard as when we were in high school. Women are judgmental creatures, and we don’t do a lot of changing for one another. When we need something, it …

The Dirt that Lies Beneath: Installment 2

The Real Dirt The truth is I feel like a failure most days as a parent. Now, before you go saying a bunch of positive things you don’t mean, let me explain. Information has been kept from me. …

Books of 2017: Live Full, Walk, Free

Intentionally setting ourselves apart is generally no picnic. In Cindy Bultema’s book, Live Full, Walk Free, we find the direction applicable to our lives today in  1 Corinthians.  Covering the letters to Corinth written by Paul, this study …

February & Rest

In scripture, Jesus made sure to take a time-out. He intentionally pulled away from his followers to pray and eat. He spent this time preparing for what would come next. Jesus set the example for re-booting ourselves in …

Sometimes the dirt wears on you and it hurts.

  In this weird place I have been thrown in my life, the dirt is coarse and harshly abrasive. My emotions continually get the best of me. Things I have no control over seem to pile up. I …