Tag: sorrow

Grief 101: A Recap

This is how grief works. It comes in a multitude of ways, twisting and turning like a road in the mountains you have never been on. It winds up and down, from side to side. Sometimes it is …

The Truth About My 43rd Year.

**Every writer and reader I know is cringing about now. Sometimes, this is how I write. Word vomit, spilling out on the page in a rush of emotion and heartache. Confusion and uncertainty swirl in my head as …

Encouragement to be More Than “OK”

How easy it is to deceive others with a fake smile and an off-hand laugh. How easy it is to make people believe what they want to believe- that you are alright and your world is stable and …

Five Simple Words : On Grief

When my dad passed away, I was prepared for some things. His death was a gift in the end because he suffered so. I knew the moment Jesus took his hand. It was exhilarating. As a Christian, there …

Unexpected Adult Things: Jesus was Bullied, too

In his adult life, Jesus was consistently and sometimes ruthlessly bullied. He was not only accused of being a liar but an enemy of the current government. He was pushed around. Men of stature used their position to …