Category: Relationships

Knowing when to Walk Away

Knowing when to walk away has been the biggest problem for me as a wife. I just want to fix everything. Or, I am laughing so hard at such an inappropriate time, my hubs won’t even look at …

Knowing when to Fold ‘Em

As you all probably know, my husband had a unique answer to my last question concerning advice to newlywed couples. After some thought, I decided this information can be applied to any marriage, new or progressed. Knowing basic …

Knowing When to “Hold ‘Em”

When I asked my hubs for his best marital advice to give a newlywed, he said this:   “You gotta know when to hold em, Know when to fold em. Know when to walk away, Know when to …

“No” is the new “Yes”

When listening to some friends talk about their  “New Years Resolutions”, I was struck at the amount of cynicism the conversation held. I couldn’t resist-  I had to ask the obvious question…. If you know you’re going to …

Gratitude as a Gift

Gratitude.  By definition, it is “the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and return kindness” By heart, it is something that can make you soar with joy, and as quickly throw you into the depths …

The Santa Lie…and that other guy.

When I was young, I believed in Santa. Not in the way that most kids did. I new there was a story behind the big fat elf, and I knew the various versions of it all led back …

Be the Christ in Christmas

Keeping the Christ in Christmas is not the only important thing to remember this holiday season. Gasp. I really just said that. For Christians everywhere, it tends to get frustrating to see our traditional celebrations cut down or …

Your Gifts: Are you Gifting or Giving?

When Christmas is upon us, and I start making a list of things I would like to purchase for my family and friends, I take it very seriously. I spend a lot of time picking out the perfect …

Christian Mean Girls

We have all seen it happen. Maybe we have been on the receiving end of it, maybe we were the perpetrator. That moment when a “good Christian woman” turns into a mean girl. It happens to everyone in …

It Can Be Well, With Your Soul

    “It is well, With my soul It is well, it is well with my soul When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to …