Marriage Is…

This is marriage.

It is holding her hand when things are uncertain. It’s sitting at the hospital for hours, waiting for news about her dad. It’s dropping your plans to go to the ER because his mom has been taken there unexpectedly. It’s hanging on by a thread to the last ounce of energy you have to stay awake, because it is late, and he has been driving for hours.

Marriage is picking up milk, kids, and prescriptions. It is standing by your spouse when people have ugly things to say. It is being a light in a room full of dark and crazy for the person you cherish most.

Sometimes marriage is walking away from your church together, looking for a new home in Christ. It’s making sure her heart can serve again, and his is not hard because of the ugly he protected her from.

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Marriage is a selfie in the desert, a selfie at the ballgame, a selfie because you are together. It’s serving together, parenting together and praying together. Marriage is living life together.


Marriage is making sure the sheets are clean and on the bed when he comes home from a 15 hour day. It’s a crock pot filling the house with the warm smells of home. It’s a batch of warm cookies waiting on the stove when he comes in from shoveling the walk. Marriage is extra butter on movie popcorn, holding her hand when she is afraid and walking together in the rain because you can. Marriage is a hot cup of coffee on a cool camping morning, sitting together, warm and cozy.


Marriage is working together on a project that makes you cuss a little, and laugh even more. It’s paint in her hair and sparks flying from a grinder, putting little holes in his favorite t-shirt while the two work side by side. It’s running to the hardware for the third time today, stopping for an icee each time.

Marriage is holding up your  children together through loss, heartache, and indecision . It’s making sure they have what they need to fly as adults, and holding one another when they try out their wings. It’s keeping those grandbabies close to your heart- even when they ruin the carpet and color the walls.

Marriage is showing up when there is an accident, praying all the way no one is hurt. Marriage is staying up late to talk, knowing one of you will only get 5 hours of sleep, but the talking must happen. It’s putting her first when she is in need of it, and putting him first when he is.


Marriage is everything you want it to be, and a lot of things you don’t.

It is mostly making the choice to love unconditionally, being the best friend you can possibly be and holding on for the ride of your life. Marriage is  commitment, time, love, sacrifice, longing, passion, heart, and soul.


Marriage is not 50/50

It is 100/100, husband and wife.

Marriage is forever.

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